Monday, September 24, 2012

1. What is a daguerrotype? What did the surface of a daguerrotype resemble? When were they prominent? What photographic process did the daguerrotype replace?

A: A photo taken by an early process The image is a direct positive made in the camera on a silvered copper plate.
It resembles the surface of a mirror.

2. What is an "albumen" print? What was the main "ingredient" of the albumen process? When did the albumen process die out?

A: The main ingredient is egg whites, and was the first commercially exploitable method of producing a photographic print on a paper base from a negative. It slowly died out in the late 1850's. 

3. What is a "stereograph?" When were they popular?

A: They where popular for decades. Binocular vision to construct a stereoscope based on a combination of prisms and mirrors to allow a person to see 3D images from two 2D pictures.

4. What is a "carte de visite?" What were they used for?

A: They are small albumen prints mounted to cards, they where used as calling cards.

5. Who were Matthew Brady and Alexander Gardner? They both are notable for what type of photography? When were they active? Post two noteworthy photographs for each photographer.

A: Matthew Brady was notable for being the father of photojournalism in 1845. Alexander Gardner was notable for being a portrait photographer in the 1860's.
1.Matthew Brady  2.Alexander Gardner